Established initially as Traveler's Aid Society in 1923 to help stranded travelers, we changed our name in 2001 to The Road Home to better reflect our mission of helping people step out of homelessness and back into our community. We are an integral partner in Salt Lake County's Coordinated Entry System for people experiencing homelessness which makes connections to vital services. Our purpose is to develop and operate high-performing and strength-based programs that help people end their homelessness. Best practices guide our programs, enabling us to better serve each person seeking help. Since 2005, we have incorporated the nationally recognized best practice of Housing First in all of our programs. This approach focuses on helping people set a path out of homelessness while connecting them to community resources. We provide emergency shelter, supportive services, and housing services in three different cities of Salt Lake County.
1415 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115