St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County

We have over 50 neighborhood-based chapters with 1,100 volunteers making face to face visits with the poor. We began in Seattle in 1920. Globally, we're helping people in 142 nations. Home visits are effective for several reasons. (1) They treat people with dignity. (2) They enable us to establish trusting relationships. (3) They're done quicker than a session at a social service agency. (4) They don't require child care or transportation. (5) They help us really see and feel the need. We go to the poor to help them learn how to gain stability, avoid housing evictions, prevent utility shut-offs, obtain food, and secure other support services. Our Help Line receives 200 calls per day from people needing assistance. Our ultimate goal is helping people gain self-sufficiency. We serve over 280,000 people annually with home visits, case management, food bank, and related programs. About 92 cents of every dollar donated to us goes to programs. We serve everyone. No exceptions. Period.

Headquarter Address

5950 Fourth Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98108