Now in its 30th year of service, Sheffield Place is the only treatment and supportive housing program in Kansas City that focuses exclusively on highly-traumatized, homeless mothers and their children. These families struggle with multiple barriers to success, including mental health, addiction, and domestic violence backgrounds, low educational attainment, upbringing in foster care, and felony convictions, among others. The agency provides supportive housing, intensive mental health and addiction recovery services, and life skills training. The program features an average length of stay of three months in the facility. Once families stabilize and transition to permanent housing in the community, they continue to receive case management and other services for as long as needed. Sheffield Place also purchases, renovates, and operates houses in the neighborhood for client use. The agency served 131 families in 2020 - up from just 20 families served as recently as 2010.
6604 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64126