SECOR's mission is loving kids, families, and those in need with food and financial assistance while restoring dignity and hope for a better future! As a faith-based organization, we are about restoring justice to a fearful, hidden, hopeless, significantly unreached and often hidden people group through redemptive love and grace in the face of suburban poverty's devastation. While facing brokenness, hurt, confusion, and shame, “we” see the faces of our guests as they seek help in the midst of job loss, under-employment, recent divorce, inadequate retirement for the elderly, outrageous medical bills, brutal rents, almost non-existent public transportation, broken down auto's, and multiple other “LIFE HAPPENS” events that few are capable of planning for. We are committed to breaking the chains of suburban poverty in our area allowing those who are set free to discover their God-given purpose to make a contribution to this world.
17151 Pine Lane
Parker, CO 80134