RSRT was launched in 2008 to drive research toward a cure for Rett Syndrome and related MECP2 disorders. Our mission is urgent: 15,000 girls and women in the US and 350,000 globally live with the agonizing symptoms of Rett Syndrome. RSRT funds more research than any other Rett organization in the U.S. and abroad. Since 2008, RSRT has awarded $64 million to research. 94% of every dollar donated to RSRT goes directly to our research program. As one of the few neurological disorders to show dramatic symptom reversal in mice, Rett Syndrome has attracted unprecedented interest from university and pharmaceutical scientists. Through innovative research and constant engagement with scientists, clinicians, industry, investors and affected families, RSRT is at the epicenter of this activity. We believe Rett can be cured, but time matters. A rigorous, coordinated, and agile research agenda will get us there as quickly as possible. Our ultimate goal is to become obsolete - by finding a cure.
67 Under Cliff Road
Trumbull, CT 06611