Founded in 1979, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCA NC) is the only statewide nonprofit in North Carolina dedicated to the prevention of child maltreatment. Its mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect by supporting the development of safe, stable, nurturing relationships for children in their families and communities. Through family-strengthening programs, public and professional education, leadership, and advocacy, we work to give every child a healthy, nurturing childhood and the opportunity to grow up to be a caring, contributing adult. PCA NC is using the latest research to help communities prevent abuse before it occurs. We are leading the state, along with our partners, in implementing evidence-based prevention programs - programs that are scientifically proven to prevent child maltreatment and strengthen families. Services are provided to all communities in North Carolina.
3000 Aerial Center Parkway
Suite 180
Morrisville, NC 27560