Point Foundation empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential - despite the obstacles often put before them - to make a significant impact on society. Point is the nation's largest scholarship provider to LGBTQ students of merit; granting more than 400 scholarships since 2002. Point promotes change through scholarship funding, mentorship, leadership development, and community service training. Upon completing their tenure as scholars, Point Alumni have access to the Point community, resources, and leadership programming. Point continues to explore ways to support LGBTQ students, such as a Community College Scholarship Program (initial funding thanks to Wells Fargo), assisting LGBTQ students in their final year at a community college who are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. For 2018-2019, Point is providing financial and programmatic support to 98 students.
5055 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 501
Los Angeles, CA 90036