Palm Beach Zoo

The Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches, known as the Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society, is a zoological organization located at Dreher Park in West Palm Beach. The Zoo houses nearly 800 animals within 23 acres of lush tropical habitat. The mission of the Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches is to inspire people to act on behalf of wildlife and the natural world. We advance our conservation mission through endangered species propagation, education and support of conservation initiatives in the field. Our commitment to sustainable business practices elevates our capacity to inspire others. In addition to exciting animals from all over the world living in natural habitats, the Zoo features a colorful carousel, an interactive water play fountain, a full service restaurant, daily performances of the Wings Over Water bird show, and many other programs and events throughout each day. The Zoo offers a wide array of education programs including a dynamic summer Zoo Camp program, an overnight program, field trips, outreach programs, Zoo School and distance learning.

Headquarter Address

1301 Summit Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33405