Founded in 1989, the International Rhino Foundation (IRF) is dedicated to the survival of the world's rhino species through conservation and research. For 26 years, IRF has funded and operated rhino conservation programs in Africa and Asia, focusing expertise and resources in areas where rhinos are most in need of protection, and where conservation efforts will do the most good. At the heart of IRF's vision is the belief that these magnificent species should endure for future generations, and that protecting rhinos ensures the survival of many other species, including people. Since its founding, IRF has also provided funding for scientific research that enhances the ability to manage rhinoceros populations both in the wild. IRF has awarded nearly $700,000 to applied rhino research in the past 10 years, and is the only source of funding exclusively devoted to rhinoceros.
201 Main Street
Suite 2600
Fort Worth, TX 76102