Haven Ministries

Founded in 1934, Haven Ministries has always had a simple mission: to tell the world all about Jesus. Today, the daily radio broadcast - called HAVEN Today - airs on more than 650 stations in North America and around the world with a daily listenership of over 500,000. In addition, Haven's printed ANCHOR Devotional encourages thousands through print to live their lives in real rest and peace, in Christ. In February of 2018, Haven Ministries started our first ever Spanish-speaking radio program for believers and non-believers alike. El Faro de Redención, or "Redemption Lighthouse" is voiced by Dan Warne. It began on a 500,000 watt station on the Caribbean island of Bonaire and covers the entire nation of Cuba. One year after going on the air, El Faro now reaches into more than 30 countries around the world every day where Spanish is the primary language spoken and heard.

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Headquarter Address

P.O. Box 79997
Riverside, CA 92513