Founded in 1979, the Greater Cleveland Food Bank works to ensure that everyone in our communities has the nutritious food they need every day. The Food Bank collects, warehouses, and distributes food and grocery products to more than 450 social service agencies that feed the needy in the Northeast Ohio area. The Food Bank provides food to child care centers, group homes, and programs for the elderly. The Food Bank uses the Ohio Benefit Bank software to enroll low income clients in the public benefits they are eligible for including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Clients can call the Food Bank's Help Center for assistance or meet with our outreach workers in the community. In FY2018, the Food Bank distributed 45.7 million pounds of food and other essential products to partner agencies. Including the meals provided via SNAP benefits, the Food Bank made possible over 57.4 million meals for individuals in need in our community.
15500 South Waterloo Road
Cleveland, OH 44110