Girls' Town/Or Chadash

Since its doors have opened in 1965, Or Chadash has been family to 1000's of girls who were at-risk living at home with their families of origin. Some of the students come from situations in which they were severely neglected and lived in great stress. Some experienced physical or emotional abuse. Most students who arrive at Or Chadash, suffer from deep emotional unrest and have little self-confidence. In turn, these insecurities often cause the girls to act out in unhealthy and self-destructive ways. In providing these girls with an alternative, Or Chadash has given these girls hope for a better tomorrow and a promise of high standards in education and personal values. For over 50 years, Girls Town Or Chadash has been a home, as well as a center for education, which services the daughters of families in distress from all across Israel. The campus of Or Chadash is 40 acres large located in Rechasim at the foothills of Mount Carmel, in northern Galil. Surrounded by mountain and trees, the environment produces a serene atmosphere which provides the girls with a quiet refuge from their turbulent lives.

Headquarter Address

1417 Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230