Established in 1949, the Fund for the Arts (Fund) is a regional nonprofit committed to building a vibrant community with the mission to maximize the impact of the arts on economic development, education and a better quality of life for everyone by generating resources, inspiring excellence, and creating community connections. With the help of nearly 15,000 donors, the Fund supports a range of arts and cultural organizations and individual artists and drives accessibility across neighborhoods, schools, community centers, senior care facilities, parks, libraries and public spaces. With guidance from a community-wide cultural plan "Imagine Greater Louisville 2020", the Fund's strategic plan adopted the five strategic priorities identified in the cultural plan: ACCESS, CULTIVATION, EDUCATION, EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION, and PROMOTION. These priorities provide a cohesive focus to drive impact for the arts ecosystem in our communities of arts, culture, history and heritage.
623 West Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202