Mother Jones is an independent, reader-supported investigative news organization. Honored as Magazine of the Year in 2017, our nonprofit newsroom is dedicated to fact-based, trustworthy reporting, rooted in fairness and justice. We go deep on the most critical issues facing our country: the protection of democracy, the climate crisis, and racial and economic justice. Founded in 1976, Mother Jones is America's longest-established investigative news organization. With 50+ journalists organized around three newsrooms, in San Francisco, Washington, DC, and New York, our staff is geographically dispersed throughout the country. We reach more than 8 million people each month via our website, social media, email newsletters, and print magazine. Our fellowship program is one of the premier training grounds for emerging investigative storytellers. Our growing audience is hungry for the honest, fierce, deep-digging journalism that is our hallmark.
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Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108