Food Bank for Monterey County

Food Bank for Monterey County, a Feeding America food bank, provides emergency supplemental food to 1 in 5 Monterey County residents--100,000 different people annually. For every dollar donated, we are able to provide $8 worth of food and 95 cents of every dollar goes directly to programs and services. Our mission is "to lead community efforts in the awareness and elimination of hunger in Monterey County." To accomplish this, we solicit, collect, store, and then distribute food countywide with three programs: (1) The Agency Clearinghouse, a network of 140 non-profit food assistance agencies; (2) the Emergency Food Assistance Program at 26 countywide sites; and 3) the Family Market at 10 sites. We distribute 8 million pounds of food annually. Our Education & Advocacy Program promotes the first part of our mission in the community by educating people about the personal, political and social issues related to hunger; advocating for state and national anti-hunger legislation.

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Headquarter Address

353 West Rossi Street
Salinas, CA 93907