Constitutional Accountability Center

Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC) is a think tank, law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of our Constitution's text and history. We work in our courts, through our government, and with legal scholars to preserve the rights and freedoms of all Americans and to protect our judiciary from politics and special interests. CAC launched on June 3, 2008. As a think tank, CAC produces original scholarship and distills and advances the work of other scholars. As an action center, CAC promotes our conviction that the Constitution is, in its most vital respects, a progressive document, written by revolutionaries and amended by those who prevailed in the most tumultuous social upheavals in our nation's history. As a law firm, CAC chooses the best cases to bring our ideas about the Constitution into court and secure victories in the U.S. Supreme Court, state supreme courts, and lower federal courts that move the law in a direction that comports with text and history.

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Headquarter Address

1200 18th Street NW
Suite 501
Washington, DC 20036