Center for Wooden Boats

The Center for Wooden Boats (CWB) is a hands-on maritime museum serving residents and visitors to the Northwest's Puget Sound region. The CWB mission is "to provide a gathering place where maritime history comes alive through direct experience and our small craft heritage is enjoyed, preserved, and passed along to future generations". - CWB envisions a future where lives are enriched with the knowledge of where we fit into the continuum of history and human experience by collecting, preserving and telling the story of wooden small craft and maritime culture. - CWB envisions a future where every child has the confidence to pursue their full potential by providing challenging physical and mental experiences in wooden small craft. - CWB envisions a future where people of all ages use their hands and minds to connect to their culture and their physical world by making maritime craft and skills education a lifelong experience. - CWB builds community and creates access to the water

Headquarter Address

1010 Valley Street
Seattle, WA 98109