California Police Youth Charities

  • EIN 30-0121107

The mission of the California Police Youth Charities (CPYC) is to build relationships between the law enforcement community and California youth. We will strive to provide opportunities for youth through various resources throughout the state of California. Creating scholarships and funding various youth activities in each of California's counties shall accomplish this. It is our goal to keep California's youth involved in productive activities run by positive role models. Since its incorporation in 2002, CPYC has grown rapidly and consistently to a point where we feel we are making some real positive changes in the lives of kids throughout the State of California.

Upcoming Opportunities

No Opportunties Posted at the Moment

Check out other opportunties available for sign up in the meantime. If you are an organizer looking to claim this profile, let's get you started on posting some opportunties!

Headquarter Address

1129 Firehouse Alley
Sacramento, CA 95814