Animal Friends Alliance emerged in January 2020 from the union of Fort Collins Cat Rescue & Spay/Neuter Clinic and Animal House Rescue & Grooming. Animal Friends Alliance is a “limited admission, adoption guarantee shelter” for cats and dogs. This means we have to limit how many animals we take in due to space and financial restrictions, but we guarantee that every animal we take in will stay with us until they find a good home. By providing subsidized spay and neuter for both dogs and cats, our spay/neuter clinic offers a proactive solution to pet homelessness. The clinic also provides preventative health care including vaccinations, deworming, heartworm testing, feline viral testing, and microchipping. For pet owners who are in a low-income bracket or receive government assistance, we offer financial assistance for spay/neuter through the Prevent A Litter Plus (PAL+) Program, and free supplemental pet food through the Kibble Supply Pet Food Pantry.
2321 E. Mulberry St Unit 1
Fort Collins, CO 80524