Active Minds

Active Minds is the nation's premier nonprofit organization promoting mental health awareness and education for young adults. We are dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14-25. Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued. What has guided and distinguished us from the start is a belief that young people will be the drivers of change. Active Minds is present in more than 800 schools, communities and workplaces nationwide, including 550 student-led chapters. Our programs and services empower young adults to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, create communities of support, and ultimately save lives. Nearly 15,000 volunteer leaders are changing their local culture around mental health, and reaching nearly 1.8 million people with Active Mind's programs.

Headquarter Address

2001 S Street NW
Suite 630
Washington, DC 20009